Documents subject to public consultation


Brochures for the public



The main implementation tool of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is the River Basin/Spatial Management Plan (2009) and its subsequent updates (every 6 years). In accordance with the provisions of the WFD, it is envisaged that through this plan the environmental objectives of water bodies are achieved, namely good status and its maintenance by respecting the principle of non-deterioration.

The National Administration “Romanian Waters” (ANAR) and the Basin Water Administrations (ABA) have developed:

National Management Plan – Synthesis of the 11 Management Plans of river basins/areas and Management Plans of river basins/areas (2009), approved by GD no. 80 / 2011;

– Updated National Management Plan (2016) and Updated Management Plans of river basins/areas (2016) approved by GD 859/2016;

– the draft updated National Management Plan (2021) (hereinafter referred to as the draft updated Management Plan) and the draft updated Management Plans of river basins/areas (2021) were posted on the websites of ANAR and ABA for stakeholder consultation (30 June – 30 December 2021).

These documents present and integrate, taking into account the provisions of the Water Framework Directive, the objectives for water management activities at basin and national level and include characterizations of water bodies, assessments of their status and measures for the period 2022-2027 to improve and maintain good status of surface and groundwater in river basins/areas.

The questionnaire below has been designed with a dual role: to inform you, but also to ask for your opinion, as stakeholders, but also as users of water resources, thus contributing to the completion of the updated Management Plans of river basins/areas 2021.

In this context, please fill in the questionnaire and submit it by 30 December 2021. (The questionnaire will be available online with the possibility of direct transmission – by pressing the button – SEND).

Specific legislation for the Water Framework Directive