Component 1 – Water Management
“Reconfiguration of the current economic mechanism of the Romanian Waters National Administration (ANAR) in order to ensure the modernization and maintenance of the national water management system, as well as the proper implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive”
In order to ensure the modernization and maintenance of the national water management system as well as the proper implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive, the most efficient cost management must be ensured at ANAR level.
Thus, it is necessary to regulate a new economic mechanism that allows ANAR to respond optimally to the needs of the institution to ensure the degree of self-financing in relation to the principles of good governance, the economic and social evolution of different types of beneficiaries of water resources, as well as the context of climate change and inherent risks to strategic water resources, medium and long term.
Target – Entry into force of the law amending the Water Law (L. 107/1996) – 30.09.2024
- Reconfiguration of the economic mechanism for sustainable management of existing water infrastructure and development of new national water infrastructure and flood risk management infrastructure, taking into account the requirements of the EU Water Directive 2000/60/EC and the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC.
In order to ensure the modernization and maintenance of the national water management system as well as the proper implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive, the most efficient cost management must be ensured at ANAR level.
To this end, a new economic mechanism will allow ANAR to respond optimally to consumers’ needs, including by improving the connection between attributions and staff structure, will become operational, by carrying out the necessary studies for the 11 river basins in Romania, covering: (i) the economic importance of sustainable water management and use; (ii) trends in the evolution of water needs and volumes of water collected at the level taken at river basin/spatial level; and (iii) medium and long-term macroeconomic indicators and optimal cost recovery mechanism for volumes of water supplied by ANAR to users of water resources in accordance with ecological flow flow requirements.
Based on these studies, legislative amendments to the Water Law nr. 107/1996 in order to regulate the new economic mechanism for water resources in Romania.
- The total value of the Project for which the financing allocated through PNRR is granted is 781,170 lei, value with VAT, of which
- The eligible value of the project financed from reimbursable loan funds granted to Romania, within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) – RON 450,000.00 representing EUR 2,500,000
- VAT – 0 lei
* Average exchange rate cf. Framework Letter issued by MF nr. 464142/10.12.2021, respectively 1 euro = 4.98 RON
- The amount of VAT related to eligible expenses from PNRR in the amount of 331,170 lei. The amount of VAT related to eligible expenses is borne from the state budget (art. 13, para. a of GEO no. 24/2021).
The implementation period is between the date of signing the financing contract and 30.09.2024.
The potential beneficiaries of the project can be all users of water resources, including the population of the country, for whom the necessary resources for an efficient prevention against flood risks will be provided following the identification of the necessary financial resources.
Investment 4. Adaptation to climate change by automating and digitizing water disposal and storage equipment at existing accumulations to ensure ecological flow and increase the safety of water supply to the population and reduce flood risk
DESIGN SERVICES for the investment “Adaptation to climate change by automating and digitizing water evacuation and storage equipment at existing accumulations to ensure ecological flow and increase the safety of water supply to the population and reduce flood risk”.
The objective of the Financing Contract – “DESIGN SERVICES for the investment “Adaptation to climate change by automating and digitizing water disposal and storage equipment at existing accumulations to ensure ecological flow and increase the safety of water supply to the population and reduce flood risk” consists in developing technical and economic documentation to ensure the safe operation of dams and dams, reducing flood risk and protecting water bodies and biodiversity through measures to ensure fish migration, ecological flow and prevent eutrophication of water bodies, obtaining all necessary permits and agreements, approving technical and economic indicators, as well as all necessary documentation for the next stage – contracting the execution of works.
In order to meet the targets imposed by the National Resilience and Recovery Plan, technical and economic documentation will be developed as follows:
- Technical expertise of existing works;
- Documentation for approving the intervention works (D.A.L.I. / SF), including the elaboration of all necessary studies;
- Documentation for obtaining the Urbanism Certificate, as well as all approvals and agreements requested by it;
- Project for authorizing the execution of works;
- Technical execution project and specifications;
- Technical documentation on expropriation in the public interest – if applicable.
The total amount for which the financing allocated through PNRR is granted is 137,208,566 lei, value with VAT, of which
- The eligible value of the project financed from funds from a reimbursable loan granted to Romania, within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is 115,301,316 lei, representing the equivalent value of 23,152,875 Euro.
- VAT amount related to eligible expenses from PNRR in the amount of 21,907,250 lei (twenty-one million nine hundred and seven thousand two hundred and fifty lei). The amount of VAT related to eligible expenses is borne from the state budget.
* Average exchange rate cf. Framework Letter issued by MF nr. 464142/10.12.2021, respectively 1 euro = 4.98 RON
The investment consists of two sub-investments:
(1) Rehabilitation of existing defence lines in accordance with the Floods Directive and the National Strategy for Flood Risk Management
The objective of the first sub-investment is to rehabilitate existing flood defence lines. As a result of this underinvestment, a total of at least 510 km of flood defence lines will be rehabilitated in line with the Floods Directive and the National Strategy for Flood Risk Management. The rehabilitation works will prioritize areas based on flood prevention and mitigation plans.
The final objective of this sub-investment – 510 km of rehabilitated dams.
Expected final results:
- 2023 – Adoption of project concepts by government decision / ministerial order, as appropriate
- 2024 – 100 km of rehabilitated dams
- 2026 – 510 km of rehabilitated dams
State of play – April 2023
433 km dams proposals ABAs and in the process of identifying a further 80 km dams from ABAs to reach the 510 km target
In order to meet the targets imposed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, technical and economic documentation was developed as follows:
- Technical expertise of existing works
- Documentation for approving intervention works (D.A.L.I. / SF), including the elaboration of all necessary studies
- Documentation for obtaining the Urbanism Certificate, as well as all approvals and agreements requested by it
- Project for authorizing the execution of works
- Technical execution project and specifications
(2) Rehabilitation of existing accumulations
The objective of the second sub-investment is to repair and renovate damaged dams and flood prevention polders on existing flood protection lines in order to restore and maintain their capacity to prevent flooding.
Based on these project concepts, 20 existing dams will be rehabilitated, where the revised feasibility studies concluded that there are no feasible alternatives to reduce flood risks. The rehabilitation will be carried out according to the requirements set out in the feasibility studies and project concepts and will fully respect the results and conditions set out in the comprehensive and cumulative environmental impact assessment to be completed in accordance with Directive 2011/92/EU (Environmental Impact Assessment Directive), as well as relevant assessments in the context of Directive 2000/60/EC (Water Framework Directive) and appropriate assessment under Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitats Directive), including implementation of necessary mitigation measures.
As regards flood prevention polders, as a result of this investment, 20 flood prevention polders on existing flood defence lines will be rehabilitated or newly installed
Final objective of this sub-investment: 20 rehabilitated non-permanent accumulations as well as 20 rehabilitated and new non-permanent lateral accumulations
Expected results
- 2023 – Adoption of project concepts by government decision / ministerial order, as appropriate
- 2026 – 20 permanent rehabilitated accumulations, as well as 20 rehabilitated and new lateral non-permanent accumulations
PNRR ALLOCATION – EUR 281.5 million
The implementation of the sub-investment will be completed by 31 March 2026.
State of play – April 2023
Signed contracts: dams = 12
Signed contracts: polders = 9
Contracts to be signed: dams = 5
polders = 6
The other projects are at different stages of the procurement procedure.
The implementation period is between the date of signing the financing contract and 27.02.2026
Investment 5. Adequately equip basin administrations for infrastructure monitoring, emergency prevention and management
Acquisition of necessary equipment for the prevention and management of emergency situations.
The objective of the investment is to equip ANAR / Water Basin Administrations with the necessary machinery and equipment for intervention in order to mitigate the effects of extreme weather phenomena.
As a result of the investment, to support and improve flood prevention and emergency response,11 Basin Water Administrations will be equipped with:
a.Unmaned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with LIDAR/FLIR, MULTISPECTRUM and other sensors, including training, dam tomography equipment – geoelectroresistive/georadar, including training);
- Vehicles for intervention in emergency situations (with equipment for access and intervention in rough terrain and amphibious tracks for access and transport of mobile bags / in hard-to-reach areas);
- Drones equipped with LIDAR/FLIR/photogrammetry sensors, geoelectroresistant/georadar technologies for dam bodies
- Hardware and software infrastructure necessary for processing, storing and analyzing data collected by defense infrastructure state investigation and monitoring equipment.
- The total value of the contract for which the financing allocated through PNRR is granted is 207,417,000 lei, value with VAT, of which
- The eligible value of the project financed from funds from a reimbursable loan granted to Romania, within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is RON 174,300,000, representing the equivalent value of EUR 35,000,000
- VAT amount related to eligible expenses from PNRR in the amount of 117,000,000 lei (twenty-one million nine hundred and seven thousand two hundred and fifty lei). The amount of VAT related to eligible expenses is borne from the state budget
* Average exchange rate cf. Framework Letter issued by MF nr. 464142/10.12.2021, respectively 1 euro = 4.98 RON
Financing contract: no. 50565 / 26.07.2025
The implementation period is between the date of signing the financing contract and 30.09.2023
- 11 Endowed Basin Water Administrations
- 09.2023 – 11 ABA equipped
Status: Market consultation processes have been completed, the report on the outcome of the market consultation has been prepared and the preparation of new tender specifications is envisaged
The draft GD approving the investment is pending approval at MMAP
Investment I6- “Water cadastre realization”
The main objectives of the investment are mainly the delimitation of minor riverbeds, using semi-automatic interpretation and processing techniques, the numerical model of the terrain and satellite information available worldwide and European for most cadastral watercourses, as well as the determination by semi-automatic methods of hydromorphologically active areas (erosion/sedimentation) to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, critical points of longitudinal watercourse infrastructures (, shore defences) in order to prioritise the implementation of the Floods Directive.
- Target: Water cadastre operational
- Milestone: 15.12.2025
- – PNRR ALLOCATION – EUR 30 million
Strand 2 – Forests and Biodiversity Protection
Reform 2 – The reform of the management system of protected natural areas is carried out in order to implement coherently and efficiently the European biodiversity strategy (measure I4): “Integrated investments for ecological restoration of habitats and conservation of species related to grasslands, aquatic areas and water dependence.”
The project is called: I4.a Removing obstacles in watercourses to facilitate the restoration of connectivity of water-dependent habitats and species.
The National Administration “Romanian Waters” is constantly working to support the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, with a time horizon of 2030 and aiming at common objectives related to the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) and the Birds and Habitats Directives (Directive 79/409 on the conservation of wild birds and Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora), respectively to restore the free flow of 25000 km of rivers, by removing barriers and restoring floodplains and wetlands, to improve lateral connectivity of water bodies by applying natural water retention measures, creating or restoring wetlands, remeandering water courses, etc.
At the same time, bearing in mind that altering the good ecological status and potential of water bodies is a real Europe-wide concern, it is necessary to identify concrete measures to restore their ecological balance. This desideratum can only be achieved through an integrated management, allowing the development of socio-economic activities, those of preventing natural disasters, but at the same time, maintaining a good status for the respective water bodies. In the Annex to the Council Implementing Decision approving the assessment of Romania’s recovery and resilience plan, Section 1: Reforms and investments included in the recovery and resilience plan, Investment 4. Integrated investments for ecological restoration of habitats and conservation of species related to grasslands, aquatic and water-dependent areas, is foreseen the objective of Investment 4.1, to restore the connectivity of water courses by removing obstacles in water courses, thus contributing to the restoration of lateral connectivity of aquatic and water-dependent habitats and species, in accordance with the management plans applicable to protected natural areas.
In this regard, on 22.12.2022, for Sub-investment I4.1 – “Removing obstacles in watercourses in order to facilitate the restoration of connectivity of water-dependent habitats and species”, the Design Services Financing Contract no. C2_I.4.1_0_52425, between the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests, as coordinator of reforms and/or investments, the National Administration “Romanian Waters”, as Beneficiary of the funding/Partnership Leader and the National Agency for Natural Protected Areas, as Partner 2.
The total value of the design services provided by the above-mentioned contract is 38,379,030.00 lei, the equivalent of 7,706,632.53 euros.
The financing of the project will be ensured through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2020 – 2026, Green Transition Pillar, Component C2. Forests and biodiversity protection, Investment I4. Integrated investments for ecological restoration of habitats and conservation of species related to grasslands, aquatic and water-dependent areas, Sub-investment I4.1 – “Removing obstacles in watercourses to facilitate the restoration of connectivity of water-dependent habitats and species“, in order to achieve Target 36 of the NRRPs.
These investments will be in accordance with the provisions of the management plans of protected natural areas and those of the management plans at basin level.
NGO “Romanian Waters” has identified several areas suitable for the implementation of these investments, through the implementation of which, the connectivity of at least 1700 ha of riparian habitats will be restored. The project consists of 7 areas considered suitable for reconnection (5 in the territorial area of the Jiu Water Basin Administration and 2 areas in the territorial area of the Crișuri Water Basin Administration).
On this date, the financing contract is in progress, the deadline for completion of the works provided by the contract being the second quarter of 2026.
More information about the PNRR program can be found on the WEB page: https://mfe.gov.ro/pnrr/, but also on the Facebook page