Component 1 – Water Management

Strand 2 – Forests and Biodiversity Protection

Reform 2 – The reform of the management system of protected natural areas is carried out in order to implement coherently and efficiently the European biodiversity strategy (measure I4): “Integrated investments for ecological restoration of habitats and conservation of species related to grasslands, aquatic areas and water dependence.”

The project is called: I4.a Removing obstacles in watercourses to facilitate the restoration of connectivity of water-dependent habitats and species.

The National Administration “Romanian Waters” is constantly working to support the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, with a time horizon of 2030 and aiming at common objectives related to the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) and the Birds and Habitats Directives (Directive 79/409 on the conservation of wild birds and Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora), respectively to restore the free flow of 25000 km of rivers, by removing barriers and restoring floodplains and wetlands, to improve lateral connectivity of water bodies by applying natural water retention measures, creating or restoring wetlands, remeandering water courses, etc.

At the same time, bearing in mind that altering the good ecological status and potential of water bodies is a real Europe-wide concern, it is necessary to identify concrete measures to restore their ecological balance. This desideratum can only be achieved through an integrated management, allowing the development of socio-economic activities, those of preventing natural disasters, but at the same time, maintaining a good status for the respective water bodies. In the Annex to the Council Implementing Decision approving the assessment of Romania’s recovery and resilience plan, Section 1: Reforms and investments included in the recovery and resilience plan, Investment 4. Integrated investments for ecological restoration of habitats and conservation of species related to grasslands, aquatic and water-dependent areas, is foreseen the objective of Investment 4.1, to restore the connectivity of water courses by removing obstacles in water courses, thus contributing to the restoration of lateral connectivity of aquatic and water-dependent habitats and species, in accordance with the management plans applicable to protected natural areas.

In this regard, on 22.12.2022, for Sub-investment I4.1 – “Removing obstacles in watercourses in order to facilitate the restoration of connectivity of water-dependent habitats and species”, the Design Services Financing Contract no. C2_I.4.1_0_52425, between the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests, as coordinator of reforms and/or investments, the National Administration “Romanian Waters”, as Beneficiary of the funding/Partnership Leader and the National Agency for Natural Protected Areas, as Partner 2.

The total value of the design services provided by the above-mentioned contract is 38,379,030.00 lei, the equivalent of 7,706,632.53 euros.

The financing of the project will be ensured through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2020 – 2026, Green Transition Pillar, Component C2. Forests and biodiversity protection, Investment I4. Integrated investments for ecological restoration of habitats and conservation of species related to grasslands, aquatic and water-dependent areas, Sub-investment I4.1 – “Removing obstacles in watercourses to facilitate the restoration of connectivity of water-dependent habitats and species“, in order to achieve Target 36 of the NRRPs.

These investments will be in accordance with the provisions of the management plans of protected natural areas and those of the management plans at basin level.

NGO “Romanian Waters” has identified several areas suitable for the implementation of these investments, through the implementation of which, the connectivity of at least 1700 ha of riparian habitats will be restored. The project consists of 7 areas considered suitable for reconnection (5 in the territorial area of the Jiu Water Basin Administration and 2 areas in the territorial area of the Crișuri Water Basin Administration).

On this date, the financing contract is in progress, the deadline for completion of the works provided by the contract being the second quarter of 2026.

More information about the PNRR program can be found on the WEB page:, but also on the Facebook page