Plan National de Management
Plan Național de Management Actualizat 2021 Volum 1
Plan Național de Management Actualizat 2021 Volum 2
Brosura Plan national de management actualizat 2016-2021
Access to the 22 December 2009 Version of the Management Plans carried out at river basin/area level
Management plan calendar and schedule
Legislative instruments for the protection and sustainable management of water resources have been promoted at EU level. Of particular importance among them is Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, which defines water as a heritage that must be protected, treated and preserved as such.
This directive provides the framework for sustainable water management, which requires quantitative and qualitative water management and healthy ecosystems, aiming to achieve 'good status' of water by 2015. The implementation tool of the Framework Directive, regulated by Article 13 and Annex VII, is represented by the River Basin/River Basin Management Plan which, based on knowledge of the status of water bodies, sets target objectives for a period of 6 years and proposes measures to achieve "good status" of waters.
In accordance with the provisions of the Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, the Danube States must develop the Danube River Basin Management Plan.
To this end, the signatory states of the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River have established that the Danube River Basin District Management Plan shall consist of two parts:
Part A :General field covering issues of basin importance with transboundary effects
Part B : National management plans of the Danube countries.
Part A of the Danube River Basin Management Plan – Report 2004 was developed under the coordination of ICPDR, based on national contributions, and approved by the Environment Ministers of the Danube countries meeting at the Ministerial Conference held in Vienna on 13.12.2004.
In accordance with the provisions of Water Law 310/2004, the National Water Management Plan in Romania consists of 11 Basin Management Plans. The competent authorities for developing Management Plans, according to Water Law 310/2004, are the Ministry of Environment and Water Management and the National Administration "Romanian Waters".
The National Report 2004 of the National Water Management Plan responds to reporting obligations to the European Commission in accordance with the provisions of Framework Directive 2000/60 Article 5, Annex II and Annex III regarding the first analysis and characterization of river basins. Information shall also be provided on progress made in implementing Article 6 and Annex IV on the inventory of protected areas, as well as progress on Article 14 on public information and consultation.
The 2004 Report of the National Water Management Plan in Romania elaborated by the Romanian Waters National Administration was approved by the Interministerial Water Commission, being approved by the Ministry of Environment and Water Management and transmitted to the European Commission on 22.03.2005.
According to Article 8(1) of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Member States of the European Union are required to establish monitoring programmes for surface waters and groundwaters for the purpose of knowing and classifying their 'status' within each river basin district
The monitoring programmes established had to be operational by 22 December 2006 and applied to bodies of water defined under the first phase of analysis of river basin characteristics;
According to Article 15 of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), each Member State of the European Union must prepare and submit to the European Commission by March 22nd, 2007 '"Water Monitoring System Report'' presenting a summary of monitoring programmes for surface water and groundwater in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.
The report on the National Water Monitoring System in Romania represents a synthesis of the monitoring programs for the 11 river basins/areas on which the Management Plans are developed in Romania.
Actions | Article from Framework Directive 2000/60/EEC | Deadlines 1 |
Legislative framework
| 24 3 (7) 3 (8) | December 2003 December 2003 June 2004 |
River basin characterisation
| 5 (1) 6 (1) 5 (1) 5 (1) 5 (2) | December 2004 December 2004 December 2004 December 2004 Dec. 2013/Dec. 2019 |
Monitoring programs
| 8 | December 2006 |
Public information and consultation
| 14 (1a) 14 (1b) 14 (1c) | December 2006 December 2007 December 2008 |
Management Plan
| 13 (6) 13 (7) | December 2009 December 2015 |
Achieving environmental objectives
| 4 (1a) 4 (1b) 4 (1c) 4 (4) | December 2015 December 2015 December 2015 Dec 2021/2027 |
Recovery of costs for water services | 9 (1) | 2010 |
1 – the term refers to the obligation to implement/carry out actions in accordance with the provisions of Framework Directive 2000/60/EEC. In some cases, much tighter deadlines may be set for the completion of plans at sub-basin level.
The deadlines for reporting to the European Commission are delayed by three months after the implementation deadlines.
2 – every 6 years
Calendarul si programul planului de management
History of the River Basin Management Plan
In accordance with the provisions of Law 112/2006 and Law 310/2004 amending and supplementing Water Law 107/1996 in order to establish fundamental guidelines on sustainable, unitary, balanced and complex management of water resources and aquatic ecosystems, as well as for the protection of wetlands, Guiding Schemes for basins or groups of river basins are developed by December 22, 2009.
The river basin planning and management master scheme is the water planning tool for the river basin, consisting of 2 parts:
– River Basin/River Basin Management Plan (RBMP)
– River Basin/River Basin Planning Plan (RBAP)
The River Basin/District Management Plan is the main instrument for implementing DC 2000/60/EC and most of the provisions of the other European Water Directives. Its elaboration is the responsibility of the Romanian Waters National Administration – Management and Cooperation Plans Department and International
The National Water Management Plan of Romania is the component of quantitative and qualitative management of water resources. It aims to substantiate measures, actions, solutions and works for:
– achieving and maintaining good water status;
– identification of significant anthropogenic pressures and impacts of human activities on surface water status;
– reducing negative effects and reducing pollution sources;
– determination of quality requirements on water resources;
The Basin/River Basin Planning Plan is the component of quantitative management of water resources. It aims to substantiate measures, actions, solutions and works for:
– achieving and maintaining the balance between the water requirements of uses and the availability of water at source;
– diminishing the negative effects of natural phenomena on human life, property and activities (floods, excess moisture, drought, soil erosion);
– use of water potential (hydromechanical and hydroelectric energy production, navigation, extraction of building materials, aquaculture...);
– determination of environmental requirements on water resources.
The signatory states of the International Convention for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) have established that the Danube River Basin District Management Plan shall consist of two parts:
Part A: Roof Report covering issues of basin importance with transboundary effects and covering:
· main courses of rivers with river > basins 4000 km2
· lakes with areas > 100 km2
· Main channels
· transboundary aquifers with an area > of 4000 km2
· Danube, delta and coastal waters.
Part B: National management plans of the Danube countries.
Part A (Roof Report) of the Danube River Basin Management Plan (PMDHD) was developed by ICPDR, based on national contributions, and approved by the Environment Ministers of the Danube countries meeting at the Ministerial Conference held in Vienna on 13.12.2004.
The 2004 National Report of River Basin/Area Management Plans responds to reporting obligations to the European Commission in accordance with the provisions of Framework Directive 2000/60 Article 5, Annex II and Annex III regarding the first analysis and characterization of river basins. Information shall also be provided on progress made in implementing Article 6 and Annex IV on the inventory of protected areas, as well as progress on Article 14 on public information and consultation. The purpose of this analysis is to assess the status of surface waters and groundwaters and to identify bodies of water 'at risk', i.e. bodies at risk of failing to achieve environmental objectives. The 2004 National Report elaborated by the Romanian Waters National Administration represents a synthesis of the 2004 Reports of the River Basin Management Plans in Romania.The data and information underlying the elaboration of the 2004 Report are generally data from 2002, except for the economic analysis chapter, for which data from 2000-2003 were used.
These data were provided mainly by Water Directorates, water users, County Directorates of Agriculture, ROMSILVA Branches, local and county authorities, Environmental Protection Agencies, Administrations of Development Regions, National Institute of Statistics, Research Institute for Pedology and Agrochemistry, Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development and "Grigore Antipa" National Institute for Marine Research and Development, National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management and National Institute of Research and Development for Environmental Protection.
Public debate activities were carried out on the application of the Environmental Assessment (SEA) procedure for the National Management Plan related to the national portion of the international river basin of the Danube River – synthesis of Management Plans at basin level – hydrographic areas, in accordance with the provisions of H.G. nr. 1076/2004 establishing the procedure for carrying out the environmental assessment for plans and programs, In the stages of the SEA procedure, the observations of the stakeholders constituted in working groups were taken into account, the procedure ending with the elaboration of the Environmental Report for carrying out the environmental assessment.
The National Management Plan was approved by GD nr. 80/26.01.2011 for the approval of the National Management Plan related to the portion of the international hydrographic basin of the Danube River that is included in the territory of Romania and published in the Official Gazette no. 265 of 14 April 2011.
List of reference documents
Item No. | Document Name |
Technical documentation, European guides | |
1.European | Guide No. 01 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Economy and Environment |
2.European | Guide No. 02 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Identification of water bodies |
3.European | Guide No. 03 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Analysis of pressures and impacts |
4.European | Guide No. 04 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Identification and designation of heavily modified and artificial water bodies |
5. | European Guide No. 05 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Transitional and coastal waters. Typology, reference conditions and classification systems |
6.European | Guide No. 06 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Establishment of the Intercalibration Network and Intercalibration Exercise Process |
7.European | Guide No. 07 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Monitoring under the Water Framework Directive |
8.European | Guide No. 08 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Public participation in relation to the Water Framework Directive |
9.European | Guide No. 09 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive– Implementation of Geographic Information System (GIS) elements for the Water Framework Directive |
10.European | Guide No. 10 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Rivers and Lakes – typology, reference conditions and classification systems |
11.European | Guide No. 11 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Planning process |
12.European | Guide No. 12 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – The role of wetlands in the context of the Water Framework Directive |
13.European | Guide No. 13 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – General approach to classification of ecological status and potential |
14.European | Guide No. 14 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Intercalibration process in 2004-2006 |
15.European | Guide No. 15 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Groundwater monitoring |
16.European | Guide No. 16 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Groundwater in Protection Zones for Drinking Water Abstraction |
17.European | Guide No. 17 – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Preventing or limiting direct and indirect discharges in the context of the Groundwater Directive 2006/118/EC |
18. | Policy Setting Document – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Exceptions to environmental objectives in the context of the Water Framework Directive Art. 4.4. (extension of deadlines), 4.5 (less stringent environmental objectives) and 4.6. (temporary deterioration) |
19. | Policy Setting Document – Common Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Exceptions to Environmental Objectives in the Context of the Water Framework Directive Allowing New Modifications or New Human Sustainable Development Activities (Art. 4.7.)
Strategies, plans, programs | |
20.National | Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 |
21.National | Development Plan (NDP) for 2007-2013 |
22.National | Development Plan for Environmental Protection for the period 2007 – 2013 |
23.Sectoral | Operational Programme for Environment 2007 – 2013 |
24.Sectoral | Operational Programme for Transport 2007 – 2013 |
25.Operational | Programme for Regional Development REGIO 2007 – 2013 |
26.National | Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 |
27.Operational | Programme for Fisheries 2007 – 2013 |
28.Sectoral | Programme "Increase of Economic Competitiveness" for the period 2007 – 2013 |
29.Local | Environmental Action Plans at regional and county level |
30.National | water management strategy and policy |
31.National | Strategy for Sustainable Development of Public Services for Supply and Sanitation |
32. | "Common Position of the European Union (CONF-RO 52/04), Brussels, 24 November 2004, Chapter 22: Environment" – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption (October 2004) |
33. | "Common Position of the European Union (CONF-RO 52/04), Brussels, 24 November 2004, Chapter 22: Environment" – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Directive 91/271/EEC on urban waste water treatment amended by Directive 98/15/EC (October 2004) |
34. | "Common Position of the European Union (CONF-RO 52/04), Brussels, November 24, 2004, Chapter 22: Environment" – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Directive no. 76/464/EEC and the %quot%daughter directives%quot% on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community |
35. | "Common Position of the European Union (CONF-RO 52/04), Brussels, 24 November 2004, Chapter 22: Environment" – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (June 2004) |
36.Code | of Good Agricultural Practice, version 2005 |
37.Action | programme for vulnerable areas |
38. | "Common Position of the European Union (CONF-RO 52/04), Brussels, November 24, 2004, Chapter 22: Environment" – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Directive 96/61/EC on integrated pollution prevention and control (October 2004) |
39. | "Common Position of the European Union (CONF-RO 52/04), Brussels, 24 November 2004, Chapter 22: Environment" – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste (October 2004) |
Bilateral and international agreements/conventions/understandings/memoranda ratified | |
40. | |
41. | Agreement between R.P.Romania (today Romania) and R.P.F. Yugoslavia (now Republic of Serbia) on hydrotechnical problems on hydrotechnical systems and watercourses on the border or crossed by the state border
Signed at: Bucharest, April 7, 1955 Ratified by Decree no. 242/17.06.1955 |
42. | Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of frontier waters
Signed at: Budapest, 15.09.2003 Ratified by GD nr. 577/2004 |
43. | Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of border water management
Signed at: Galati, 30.09.1997 Ratified by Law nr. 16/1999 promulgated by DECREE nr. 16 of 7 January 1999 |
44. | Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of frontier waters,
Signed at: Budapest, 15 September 2003 Ratified by GD nr. 577/15.04.2004 |
45. | Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Water Management of Romania and
Ministry of Environment and Water of the Republic of Bulgaria on cooperation in the field of water management Signed at: Bucharest, 12.11.2004 Ratified by GD nr. 2419/2004 |
46. | Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection of Romania and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine on cooperation in the area formed by the protected areas of the Danube Delta and the Lower Prut
Signed at: Bucharest, 05.06.2000 Ratified by: GD nr. 1028/2003 |
47. | Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of protection of fishery resources and regulation of fishing in the Prut River and in the Stanca-Costesti reservoir
Signed at : Stanca, 01.08.2003 Ratified by GD nr. 1207/2003. |
48. | Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding cooperation in the field of environmental protection
Place and date of adoption: Bucharest, 05.04.1993 Ratified by Government Decision nr. 149/2000 |
49. | Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
Place and date of adoption: Bucharest, 21.04.1992. Ratified by Law nr. 98/1992 |
50. | Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
Place and date of adoption: Helsinki, 17.03.1992. Ratified by Law nr. 30/1995 |
51. | Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River
Place and date of adoption: Sofia, 29.06.1994. Ratified by Law nr. 14/1995
52. | Convention between the Government of Romania, the Government of the Czech Republic, the Government of the USSR, the Government of the USSR and the Government of the Republic of Hungary for the protection of the waters of the river Tisza and its tributaries against pollution.
Signed at Szeged, 28 May 1986 HCM no.136/12.07.1986 |
53.Memorandum | ofUnderstanding on the Implementation of the EEA-2004-2009 Financial Mechanism between the Governments of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of Romania and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway in the field of climate change |
54.Memorandum | ofUnderstanding on the Implementation of the Cooperation Programme with Norway for the Economic Development and Sustainable Development of Romania between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway |
55. | Budapest Initiative to Strengthen International Cooperation for Sustainable Flood Management
Signed at: Budapest, 01.12.2002 |
56. | Statement by the ministers of Romania, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and Slovakia on the establishment of the Tisa Forum for Flood Defence
Signed at : Budapest, 25 May 2001 |
57. | Budapest Initiative (adopted at the level of Prime Ministers) on strengthening international cooperation for sustainable flood management
Signed at : Budapest, 1 December 2002 |
58. | Declaration of cooperation in the field of water management between the Ministry of Environment and Water Management of Romania and the Ministry of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection of Bavaria,
Signed at: Munich on April 25, 2005 |
Lista documente referinta
River Basin/Area Management Plans 2016-2021
National Report 2004
1. Introduction
At EU level, due to increasing pressures on water resources, legislative instruments for their protection and sustainable management have been promoted. Of these, the most important is the Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, which defines water as a heritage to be protected, treated and preserved as such.
This directive provides the framework for sustainable water management, which requires quantitative and qualitative water management and healthy ecosystems, aiming to achieve 'good status' of waters by 2015. The implementation tool of the Framework Directive, regulated by Article 13 and Annex VII, is represented by the River Basin/District Management Plan which, based on knowledge of the status of water bodies, sets target objectives for a period of 6 years and proposes measures to achieve "good status" of waters in According to the provisions of Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, the Danube States, including Romania, must contribute to the elaboration of the Danube River Basin Management Plan. To this end, the signatory states of the International Convention for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) have established that the Danube River Basin District Management Plan shall consist of two parts:
Part A: Master plan covering issues of basin importance with transboundary effects and covering:
• main courses of rivers with river > basins 4000 km2
• lakes with areas > 100 km2
• Main channels
• transboundary aquifers with an area > of 4000 km2
• Danube, delta and coastal waters.
Part B: National Management Plans of the Danube Countries.
Part A of the Danube River Basin Management Plan (PMDHD) – Report 2004 was prepared by ICPDR, based on national contributions, and approved by the Environment Ministers of the Danube countries meeting at the Ministerial Conference held in Vienna on 13.12.2004. According to the provisions of Water Law 310/2004, the National Water Management Plan in Romania consists of 11 Basin Management Plans. The competent authorities for developing Management Plans, according to Water Law 310/2004, are the Ministry of Environment and Water Management and the National Administration "Romanian Waters". For this purpose, at the level of the National Administration "Romanian Waters" was created the Directorate for Management Plans and Amenjation of River Basins and at the level of Water Directorates, collective Guiding Schemes for Management and Planning of River Basins (SDMABH) were created. Also, at the level of each river basin, in accordance with Water Law 107/1996 and GD nr. 1212 of November 29, 2000, Basin Committees were established to approve the Guiding Schemes.
The 2004 National Report of River Basin/Area Management Plans responds to reporting obligations to the European Commission in accordance with the provisions of Framework Directive 2000/60 Article 5, Annex II and Annex III regarding the first analysis and characterization of river basins. Information shall also be provided on progress made in implementing Article 6 and Annex IV on the inventory of protected areas, as well as progress on Article 14 on public information and consultation. The purpose of this analysis is to assess the status of surface waters and groundwaters and to identify bodies of water 'at risk', i.e. bodies at risk of failing to achieve environmental objectives. Further, using the results of the analysis from the National Report 2004, the monitoring network will become operational (01.01.2007) and programs of measures will be proposed (22.03.2009) to achieve "good status" of waters by 2015.
The National Report 2004 elaborated by the specialists of the River Basin Management and Planning Plans Directorate within the Romanian Waters National Administration represents a synthesis of the 2004 Reports of the River Basin Management Plans in Romania. The data and information on which the 2004 Report was based are generally data from 2002, except for the economic analysis chapter, for which data from 2000 to 2003 were used. For the analysis of the evolution over time of some characteristic parameters, data were used over a longer period. These data were provided mainly by Water Directorates, water users, County Directorates of Agriculture, ROMSILVA Branches, local and county authorities, Environmental Protection Agencies, Administrations of Development Regions, National Institute of Statistics, Research Institute for Pedology and Agrochemistry, Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development and "Grigore Antipa" National Institute for Marine Research and Development, National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management and National Institute of Research and Development for Environmental Protection.