Specific legislation
- Water Law nr. 107/25.09.1996, as amended;
- Emergency Ordinance nr. 107/05.09.2002 regarding the establishment of the National Administration "Romanian Waters", with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Law 404/07.10.2003 approving Emergency Ordinance no. 107/05.09.2002 regarding the establishment of the National Administration "Romanian Waters", with subsequent amendments and completions;
- DECISION No. Law no. 1176 of 29 September 2005 approving the Statute of organization and functioning of the National Administration "Romanian Waters", with subsequent amendments and completions;
- H.G. nr. 80/2011 for the approval of the National Management Plan for the portion of the international hydrographic basin of the Danube River that is included in the territory of Romania;
- H.G. nr. 859/2016 for the approval of the updated National Management Plan for the portion of the international hydrographic basin of the Danube River that is included in the territory of Romania;
- Government Decision no. 846/2010 National Strategy for Flood Risk Management on medium and long term;
- Joint Order M.A.P. and M.A.I. no. 459/78/2019 OR Joint Order of the Minister of Waters and Forests and the Minister of Internal Affairs for the approval of the Regulation on the management of emergency situations generated by dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena having as effect the production of floods, hydrological drought, as well as incidents / accidents at hydrotechnical constructions, accidental pollution on water courses and marine pollution in the coastal zone;
- M.M.G.A. Order No. 223/ 07.03.2006 - ORDER of the Minister of Environment and Water Management for the approval of the Regulation for the organization and functioning of the alarm system in case of accidental pollution of waters in Romania (SAPA-ROM) and of the main international alarm center in case of accidental pollution on the Danube in Romania (CIPA-ROM)
- Government Decision nr. 557/2016 on risk management;
- Order of the Minister of Environment and Water Management nr. 326/2007 approving the Methodology for the delimitation of minor riverbeds of water courses belonging to the public domain of the state;
- Government Decision no. 663/2013 approving the methodological norms regarding the elaboration and content of natural risk maps for landslides and floods
- Government Decision no. 972/2016 approving the Flood Risk Management Plans for the 11 water basin administrations and the Danube River in Romania;
- GD 241/2006 approving the lease of the Black Sea beach, public property of the state, under the administration of the National Administration "Romanian Waters"
- Government Decision no. 663/2013 approving the methodological norms on the elaboration and content of natural risk maps for landslides and floods;
- Government Decision no. 972/2016 approving the Flood Risk Management Plans for the 11 water basin administrations and the Danube River in Romania
- Dam Safety Law no. 259/2010, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Law no. 481/2004 on Civil Protection, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Government Emergency Ordinance no. 21/2004 regarding the National Emergency Management System, approved with amendments by Law no. 15/2005, supplemented and amended by Government Emergency Ordinance no. 1/2014 and Government Emergency Ordinance no. 89/2014 and Law no. 170/2015;
- Government Emergency Ordinance no. 98/2010 on the identification, designation and protection of critical infrastructures.
- Government Decision nr. 202/2002 approving the Technical Norms on surface water quality requiring protection and improvement in order to support fish life, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Government Decision no. 1491/2004 approving the Framework Regulation on the organizational structure, duties, functioning and endowment of committees and operative centers for emergency situations;
- Government Decision nr. 893/2006 amending Government Decision no. 1593/2002 approving the National Plan for Preparedness, Response and Cooperation in Marine Oil Pollution;
- Government Decision nr. 94/2014 on the organization and functioning and composition of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations;
- Government Decision nr. 1151/2014 amending and supplementing Government Decision no. 94/2014 on the organization, functioning and composition of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations;
- Joint Order of the Minister of Environment and Water Management, Minister of Transport, Construction and Tourism and Minister of Administration and Internal Affairs nr. 1/217/182/2004 for the approval of the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of the Operational Command for Marine Depollution
- Order of the Minister of Administration and Internal Affairs nr. 886/2005 approving the Technical Norms regarding the National Integrated System of Notification, Warning and Alarm of the Population;
- Order of the Minister of Administration and Internal Affairs nr. 1184/2006 approving the Rules regarding the organization and assurance of evacuation activity in emergency situations;
- Order of the Minister of Administration and Internal Affairs no. 1259/2006 approving the norm on organizing and ensuring the activity of notification, warning, pre-alarm and alarm in civil protection situations;
- Order of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration nr. 330/44/2178/2013 for the approval of the Mayor's Manual for the management of emergency situations in case of floods and hydrological drought and of the Prefect's Manual for the management of emergency situations in case of floods and hydrological drought;
- M.M.G.A. Order no. 31/31.01.2006 - ORDER of the Minister of Environment and Water Management regarding the approval of the Manual for monitoring and development of the Integrated Water Monitoring System in Romania (SMIAR)
- ORDER No. 76 of 23 January 2006 approving the Methodology for elaboration and powers to approve and approve the exploitation regulations and exploitation programs of reservoirs, the Methodological Norms for the elaboration of basin exploitation regulations and the Framework Regulation for the exploitation of dams, reservoirs and water supply intakes;
- ORDER No. Law no. 1012 of 19 October 2005 approving the procedure for the mechanism of access to information of public interest on water management.
- ORDER No. Law no. 1276 of 14 December 2005 approving the Methodology for organizing, preserving and managing the Romanian Water Cadastre;
- ORDER No. 2115 of 17 November 2021 approving the Methodology for delimiting minor riverbeds of water courses belonging to the public domain of the state;
- JUDGMENT No. Law no. 183 of 10 March 2020 approving the lease of certain real estate public property of the state, under the administration of the National Administration "Romanian Waters".
- Order No. 828/04.07.2019 on the approval of the Procedure and powers for issuing, amending, withdrawing the water management permit, including the procedure for assessing the impact on water bodies, approving the Normative content of the technical documentation subject to approval, as well as the Framework Content of the Impact Assessment Study on water bodies;
- Order No. 891/23.07.2019 on the approval of the Procedure and powers for issuing, amending, withdrawing, temporarily suspending water management authorizations, as well as the Normative content of technical documentation subject to authorization;
- Law nr. 292/2018 on the assessment of the impact of certain public and private projects on the environment;
- MMGA Order No. Law no. 2/2006 approving the Methodological Norms regarding the site approval;
- MMP Order No. 3404/2012 approving the procedure for issuing the permit for crossing water management works with flood protection role;
- H.G. nr. 188/2002 approving certain norms for discharge of wastewater into the aquatic environment, NTPA-011, NTPA-001, NTPA-002;
- Emergency Ordinance nr. 244/2000 on the safe operation of dams and reservoirs;
- Law nr. 259/2010 on dam safety
- Law nr. 17/1990 on the legal regime of the internal maritime waters, of the territorial sea, of the contiguous zone and of the exclusive economic zone of Romania;
- Government Decision nr. 930/2005 approving special rules on the nature and size of sanitary and hydrogeological protection zones;
- Government Decision nr. 328/2010 on updating the amount of specific contributions for water resources management, tariffs and penalties with the inflation index.
- MMGA Order No. 31/2006 regarding the approval of the Manual for monitoring and development of the Integrated Water Monitoring System in Romania (IMIAR);
- Government Decision nr. Regulation (EU) No 570/2016 approving the Programme for the phasing-out of discharges, emissions and losses of priority hazardous substances and other measures for the main pollutants;
- Government Decision nr. 100/2002 with amendments and completions, for the approval of the Quality Norms that must be met by surface waters used for drinking water and of the Normative on measurement methods and frequency of sampling and analysis of surface waters intended for the production of drinking water;
- Government Decision nr. 53/2009 with amendments and completions, for the approval of the National Plan for the Protection of Groundwater against Pollution and Deterioration;
- MMSC Order No. 621/2014 on the approval of threshold values for groundwater bodies in Romania;
- Government Decision nr. 964/2000 with amendments and completions, regarding the approval of the Action Plan for the Protection of Waters against Pollution with Nitrates from Agricultural Sources;
- Joint Order MMAP and MIA No. 459/78/2019 for the approval of the Regulation on the management of emergency situations generated by dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena having as effect the production of floods, hydrological drought, as well as incidents / accidents at hydrotechnical constructions, accidental pollution on water courses and marine pollution in the coastal zone;
- MMP ORDER No. 1940/2011 for the approval of the Program of activities and technical-scientific coordination of the monitoring program of the National Danube Area (TNMN).
- Law 293/2018 on reducing national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NEC);
- Government Decision nr. 1570/2007 with amendments and completions, regarding the establishment of the ffect l system for estimating the level of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions resulting from sources or sequestration of carbon dioxide, regulated by the Kyoto Protocol (INEGES);
- Government Decision nr. 140/2008 with amendments and completions establishing measures for the application of the provisions of Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 166/2006 on the establishment of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (EPRTR).
- Government Decision nr. 930/2005 approving the Special Rules on the character and size of sanitary and hydrogeological protection zones;
- MMGA Order No. 9/2006 for the approval of the Methodology for the elaboration of plans for restrictions and use of water in deficient periods;
- MMP Order No. 1278/2011 for the approval of the Instructions on the delimitation of sanitary protection zones and hydrogeological protection perimeter;
- Joint Order MMAP and MIA No. 459/78/2019 for the approval of the Regulation on the management of emergency situations generated by dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena having as effect the production of floods, hydrological drought, as well as incidents / accidents at hydrotechnical constructions, accidental pollution on water courses and marine pollution in the coastal zone.