Project "Coastal Erosion Reduction Phase II (2014-2020)"
The newly created beaches are the result of works to combat coastal erosion, the execution and implementation of which was approved and financed by the European Union within one of the largest infrastructure projects carried out by the Romanian state, in the last 50 years, through its authorized institutions ( Ministry of the Environment – A.N. “Apele Romane” – A.B.A. Dobrogea-Litoral”). The beneficiary of the project is the Dobrogea-Litoral Water Basin Administration (ABA).
The evolution of the concept of coastal protection in the period 2010 – 2021
The coastal area of Romania, 244 km long, consists of low-altitude shores – beaches (80%) and relatively high shores – cliffs (20%).
At the same time, this area includes both natural coastline (beaches and cliffs – approx. 84%) and “constructed” coastline (ports, protective hydrotechnical constructions – approx. 16%). In the coastal area, intense socio-economic activities are concentrated and there is a strong base of natural resources.
The multi-annual monitoring of the coast highlighted the general tendency of degradation through erosion, even if the intensity of the phenomenon varies from year to year.
The evolution of the beaches is determined by their sedimentary balance, i.e. by the ratio existing between the amount of sediments available in the coastal marine area and the marine hydrodynamic regime, represented in the coastal area by the energy of waves and coastal sea currents. The imbalance of the sedimentary budget / hydropower factor ratio leads to the appearance of environmental changes and the appearance of the erosion / deposition process. Imbalances can have natural causes, or they can be determined by anthropic interventions.
The problem of coastal erosion processes is considered by many states to be of national importance. Beach erosion leads to loss of territory, but above all it compromises the ecosystems of the coastal sea and the socio-economic value of the coastal area, causing significant damage to the national economy and the sustainable development of the country.
Preventing the erosion process and rehabilitating degraded beaches are particularly difficult and expensive actions. They require a scientific approach, through an in-depth knowledge of the local and regional situation of coastal, deltaic and fluvial hydrodynamic and sedimentological processes, a careful monitoring of all morphodynamic changes, a modeling of these processes and of protection and rehabilitation solutions and only in finally, after the analysis of the optimal variants, their application on the field.
Immediately after 1990, the Romanian state stopped any coastal protection work leading until the 2010s that the entire Romanian coast of the Black Sea was in an intense and continuous degradation due to marine erosion. The erosion processes of the coast, as well as the dynamics of sediments and water in the coastal area, was immediately after 2010 the object of detailed studies and an annual follow-up program in order to find a solution to limit the effects of degradation and environmental rehabilitation, becoming the fundamental development of a Coastal Master Plan.
Thus, ANAR – ABADL, during the year 2010, contracted the development THE MASTER PLAN “PROTECTATION AND REHABILITATION OF THE COASTAL AREA”, having as a source of funding the 2007 – 2013 SOP Environment, and in 2012 it was finalized and approved (CTE Interministerial), the final document being considered by the Romanian state as strategic document regarding the dynamics and protection of the coastline, a fundamental aspect for advanced maritime states.
The objectives of the Master Plan
General objectives:
Protecting and improving the quality of the environment and living standards along the Romanian coast of the Black Sea and
Increasing safety in the southern unit of the coast (south of Midia), seriously threatened by the destructive effects of coastal erosion.
Specific objectives:
Development of a program of measures and works in order to rehabilitate and protect the shoreline, adjacent lands and marine ecosystems
Protection of the infrastructure and social economic objectives in danger, as a result of erosion
Implementation of an integrated coastal monitoring program to support the exploitation and maintenance of coastal protection systems in the medium and long term (10 and 30 years)
Implementation plan
In order to develop an implementation program, it was necessary to consider the efficiency and effectiveness of each of the measures proposed to reduce erosion risks, as well as what is possible to achieve in each period of the plan. The three time periods that are included in the action plan are:
In the short term: PHASE I 2012 – 2015 (the financing period through the POS MEDIU program with EU funds);
In the medium term: PHASE II 2014 – 2020 (the current EU funding period through the POIM program); and
In the long term: 2021 – 2041;
In the context of the obligations that fell to ANAR – ABADL after the approval of the Master Plan of the coastal zone, our institution initiated, implemented and completed the coastal program related to the short term and in the period 2012 – 2015, through the project “Protection and rehabilitation of the southern part of the Romanian sea coast Negre in the area of the municipality of Constanța and Eforie Nord, Constanta county” with financing from the Environmental POS, was protected a length of coast of 7.3 km in the areas of Mamaia Sud, Tomis Nord, Tomis Centru, Tomis Sud and Eforie Nord.
At the same time, through the same project, the area of the beaches related to the areas described above was increased by 60.66 ha, respecting both the technical and economic indicators of the project as well as the performance indicators established by the financing contract. The value of the financing contract was 745,071,407 lei / 170,635,000 EURO.
Simultaneously with the implementation of the short-term project revealed by the phasing in the Master Plan, in order to comply with the obligations of the medium-term implementation program, ANAR – ABADL contracted in February 2015 the services of “Technical assistance for the preparation of priority axis 5 projects – Reducerea eroziunii costiere FAZA II (2014 – 2020)” cu scopul de a incheia contractul de finantare prin programul POIM Reduction of coastal erosion PHASE II (2014 – 2020)” with the aim of concluding the financing contract through the POIM program for the coastal rehabilitation of all areas provided for in the section – medium term.
On 09.11.2018, the financing contract no. 223, between the Ministry of European Funds and the National Administration “Romanian Waters”, for the implementation of the major project: “Coastal erosion reduction PHASE II (2014 – 2020)” with financing from the Large Infrastructure Operational Program (POIM), in the total amount of 3,805,641,720 lei / 841,118,740 EURO; – in current prices.
Project co-financed from the Cohesion Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020
The Romanian Waters National Administration, as Beneficiary, together with the Dobrogea Water Basin Administration – Litoral, having delegated powers, implements the project “COASTAL EROSION REDUCTION PHASE II (2014-2020)” SMIS Code 2014+ 122927 co-financed by the Large Infrastructure Operational Program (POIM) 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 5 – Promoting adaptation to climate change, prevention and management of risks, Specific Objective 5.1 Reducing the effects and damages on the population caused by natural phenomena associated with the main risks accentuated by climate change, mainly floods and coastal erosion.
The implementation period of the Financing Contract No. 223 of 09.11.2018 through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program is: 26.02.2015 – 30.12.2023
The total value of the financing contract is 3,805,641,721.67 lei
The amount of EU co-financing is 2,722,170,915.77 lei
The PURPOSE of this project is to provide climate change adaptation, prevention and risk management through shoreline erosion protection under average annual conditions and during events with a recurrence period of up to 1/100 years, for a design life of 50 years.
Reduction of the effects and damages on the population caused by natural phenomena associated with coastal erosion throughout the lifetime of the investments (50 years).
Protection of the Black Sea coastline on the territory of Romania from the effects of coastal erosion by developing a program of specific works aimed at rehabilitating and protecting the shoreline, adjacent lands and land and marine ecosystems during the lifetime of the investments (50 years);
Reducing the risks of damage and loss of habitats in case of non-implementation of the project – ROSPA0076 Black Sea, ROSCI0066 Danube Delta-marine area, ROSCI0065 Danube Delta, ROSPA0031 Danube Delta and the Razelm-Sinoe Complex, ROSCI0197 Submerged beach Eforie Nord-Eforie Sud, ROSCI0269 Vama Veche- 2 May, Reserve 345 Vama Veche -2 May, ROSCI0094 Submarine sulfur springs from Mangalia, ROSCI 0281 Cap Aurora, ROSCI0293 Costinești-23 August, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
Protection of environmental factors, economic infrastructure and social objectives endangered by marine erosion processes during the projected lifetime of the investments;
Implementation of an integrated program for monitoring the coastal zone to support operations and maintenance works, monitoring of investment works, but also of medium and long-term environmental components.
Works contracts:
- Edighiol and Periboina – coastal protection and rehabilitation of weirs and related structures;
Value 63,507,510 lei / 14,036,360 EURO;
Proposed works: Rehabilitation of the weir body, unclogging the discharge area to the sea, replacement of metal structures, installation of new cranes for handling the weirs, consolidation of the shore of Sinoe lake, rehabilitation of the marine dike for Edighiol canal discharge protection;
- Mamaia – coastal protection 6950 ml and 53 ha newly created beach;
Value: 285,970,210 lei / 63,204,820 EURO;
Proposed works: extension of existing pier, artificial sanding;
- Tomis (Casino) – coastal protection between Constanța port and Tomis tourist port 790 ml;
Value: 53.044.460 lei / 11.723.830 EURO;
Proposed works: demolition of existing coastal structures, cliff consolidation;
- Agigea – coastal protection and cliff consolidation 1200 ml and 0.62 ha newly created beach;
Value: 53,404,540 lei / 11,803,410 EURO;
Proposed works: Cliff consolidation, new seawalls embedded in the shore, artificial sandblasting, artificial reefs;
- Eforie – coastal protection 5750 ml and 33 ha newly created beach;
Value: 553,966,920 lei / 122,437,160 EURO;
Proposed works: Demolition of existing coastal structures, construction of new marine breakwaters embedded in the shore; artificial sandblasting, artificial reefs;
- Costinești – coastal protection 2550 ml and 16 ha newly created beach;
Value: 404,358,900 lei / 89,370,960 EURO;
Proposed works: demolition of existing structures, construction of new marine piers embedded in the shore, artificial sanding, artificial reefs;
- Olimp – coastal protection 3500 ml and 32 ha newly created beach;
Value: 428,799,390 lei / 94,772,770 EURO
Proposed works: demolition of existing structures, construction of new marine piers embedded in the shore, artificial sanding, artificial reefs;
- Jupiter – Neptune – coastal protection 2550 ml and 30 ha newly created beach;
Value: 304,254,370 lei / 67,245,970 EURO;
Proposed works: demolition of existing structures, construction of new marine piers embedded in the shore, artificial sanding, artificial reefs;
- Balta Mangalia – Venus – Aurora – coastal protection 3100 ml and 37 ha newly created beach;
Value: 627.814.000 lei / 138.785.760 EURO;
Proposed works: demolition of existing structures, construction of new marine piers embedded in the shore, artificial sanding, artificial reefs;
- Mangalia – Saturn – coastal protection 2500 ml and 20 ha newly created beach;
Value: 423.901.630 lei / 93.690.270 EURO;
Proposed works: demolition of existing structures, construction of new marine piers embedded in the shore, artificial sanding, artificial reefs;
- 2 Mai – coastal protection and cliff consolidation 1650 ml and 4.5 ha newly created beach;
Value: 205.201.210 lei / 45.353.340 EURO
Proposed works: Demolition of existing structures, construction of new dikes and seawalls, cliff consolidation, artificial sanding, artificial reefs.
TOTAL: 30,540 ml of coastal protection, 226.16 ha of newly created beach and rehabilitation of 2 dams, and the values in lei and EURO are the values in constant prices.
At the same time, through the implementation of the project, 226.16 ha of new beach will be created, thus contributing to the improvement of the conditions of the marine ecosystem and to the socio-economic development of the entire Romanian coast.