List of documents of public interest
In accordance with Law no. 544/2001, as subsequently amended and supplemented:
- According to Article 2, letter a) “
authority or institution means any public authority or institution that uses or manages public financial resources, (…) under the authority or, as the case may be, under the coordination or subordination of a central or local public authority (….) - Art. 2, letter b) information of public interest means any information concerning the activities or resulting from the activities of a public authority or public institution, regardless of the medium or form or manner of expression of
- JUDGMENT No. 478 of 6 July 2016 amending and supplementing the Methodological Norms for the application of Law no. 544/2001 regarding free access to information of public interest, approved by Government Decision nr. Regulation (EC) No 123/2002 (Annexes 1 to 8)
- Annex 1 Decision no. 478/2016 with amendments and completions or Annex 4 of
the Decision approving the National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025 and related documents – General Standard for Publishing Information of Public Interest (p.100-109
) - Annex no. 5 – ‘Standard for publication of public information on public undertakings’, of the same Decision on the approval of the NAS
The format of the documents communicated ex officio, if they are found in the institution in a format automatically machine-readable, shall be:
- Legislation – normative acts will be published in pdf format, with links to the http://legislaţ portal;
- Programs and strategies – .pdf, intelligent .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt and other text formats;
- Reports and studies – .doc, .docx, .odt and other text formats
- Application form based on Law nr. 544/2001, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Form for appealing the decision – .pdf, intelligent .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt and other text formats
- Budget
- Payment status
- Situation of salary rights
- Purchase plan
- Annual procurement programme
- Summary of procurement contracts
- Standard forms used by the institution in relation to citizens – intelligently .pdf format, .doc, .docx, .odt or online version (in case of using an online procedure for filling in the respective form)
- List of water management permits and authorisations
This is information of public interest on water management provided ex officio and published on the institution’s website.
Some of the documents are available on the websites: I.N.H.G.A . – and (or can be provided upon request):
- Qualitative Management of Water Resources (Water Framework Directive) : DMEIRA
- Quantitative Management of Water Resources (Floods Directive) – also available on the website – see here: DSU
- as well as those provided for in the Water Law nr. 107/1996 with subsequent amendments and completions, but also in other laws in Romania.
- From the category of information that is part of the National Fund for Hydrological Data and Water Management, they fall under the provisions of the Water Law nr. Regulation (EC) No 107/1996 as amended – Chapter III: Water management – Section 1 – Knowledge of water resources
*In addition, all documents of public interest falling under art. 2, letter b) of Law no. 544/2001, with subsequent amendments and completions, according to the legal provisions in force, except for those that are part of the classified information category. Information / documents falling under art. 12 of the same law will be anonymized, as the case may be excepted.
- Press releases/briefings;
- Press interviews;
- Scores;
- Anniversary speeches/messages;
- Press files;
- Requests formulated under Law no. 544/2001, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Responses to the requests mentioned above;
- Response-addresses regarding the redirection of requests regarding free access to information of public interest;
- Reply-addresses regarding point of view requests addressed by the coordinating ministry;
- External correspondence between ANAR and other institutions (ABA; INHGA; MMAP, other institutions);
- Collaboration protocols;
- Communication strategies;
- Project sheets;
- List of documents of public interest;
- Annual Public Interest Information Bulletin;
- Communication guide;
- Visual identity manual;
- Central and local press monitoring (Press review);
- Reporting models regarding the implementation of Law no. 544/2001, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Press accreditation models;
- Model requests for information of public interest;
- Models of administrative complaints;
- Letters of intent;
- Letters of participation;
- Invitations;
- Annual activity report;
- Support teaching materials;
- Opportunity reports;
- Reports of necessity;
- Register of requests L no. 544/2001, with subsequent amendments and completions
- Input/output register;
- Summaries;
- Dissemination materials to the public;
- Institutional representation materials
- Open data series
- Internal correspondence (through notes);
- Electronic correspondence
- Manual of the Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
- Quality, environment, occupational health and safety policy
- Declaration of adherence to the National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025
- ISO 9001 Quality Management System
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- Audit report
- List of procedures in force
- List of records
- SCIM Annual Reporting
- SNA Annual Reporting
- General Personal Data Privacy Policy
- Declarations of assets, declarations of interests
- Internal correspondence register (addresses, petitions, internal notes, timesheets, etc.)
- List of objectives to control
- Register controls
- Finding Note, Report of Finding, Report of Finding and Sanctioning Contraventions
- Address forwarding ABAs petitions
- Address answer petitions Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
- Annual report of inspection activity in the field of water management
- Strategic development plan for SINA performance management
- Professional training program (non formal and formal)
- Annual work programme on water inspection
- Activity Plan Summary (quarterly and annual)
- Summary of applied sanctions (monthly, quarterly and annually)
- Ballast centralizer (bed and terrace) and SSP (annual)
- Summary of accumulations and dams of importance category C and D (annual)
- Tailings ponds/landfills/tailings dumps centralizer (annual)
- IED use summary on industrial emissions (annual)
- Centralizer of wastewater treatment plants and water supply (annual)
- Sanitation summary (annual)
- Special control cards
- Responding to requests from Basin Water Administrations to conduct training / professional improvement courses;
- Documents necessary for organizing training / professional development courses (attendance list, minutes, training programs);
- Documents certifying the completion of training / professional development courses (minutes, attendance lists);
- Reports for the acquisitions necessary for the proper functioning of the Regional Vocational Training Centers;
- Tender documents for procurement necessary for the proper functioning of Regional Vocational Training Centres;
- Documents certifying the completion of the works necessary for the proper functioning of the Regional Vocational Training Centers (minutes, decisions setting up commissions for the reception of works);
- Internal notes;
- Correspondence with the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests and other competent institutions in the field of professional training / improvement
- Addresses to Basin Water Administrations;
- Annual formal and non-formal training / professional development plans;
- Statistics necessary for the elaboration of training / professional development strategies
- Documents necessary for the organization of specialized practice activity carried out by students, based on collaboration protocols with universities.
- Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of border waters, signed in Budapest on September 15, 2003 – GD nr. 577/15.04.2004
- Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on cooperation in the field of sustainable transboundary water management, signed in Bucharest on June 5, 2019 (entered into force on September 11, 2020) – GD nr. 725 of 27 August 2020;
- Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of border water management, signed in Galati on September 30, 1997 – Law nr. 16 / 11.01.1999
- Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the waters of the Prut and Danube, signed in Chisinau on June 28, 2010 – GD nr. 1092/03.11.2010
- Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Water Management of Romania and the Ministry of Environment and Water of the Republic of Bulgaria on cooperation in the field of water management, signed in Bucharest on November 12, 2004 – GD nr. 2419/ 21.12.2004
- “Memorandum of Understanding between the National Administration “Romanian Waters”, Romania and the Association of Water Boards of the Netherlands (Unie van Watterschappen), Netherlands” (signed on June 23, 2008 in The Hague and extended by the exchange of letters between the presidents of the two parties until June 23, 2024)
- Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, done at Helsinki on 17 March 1992 – Law nr. 30/26.04.1995 for the ratification of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, done at Helsinki on March 17, 1992 and Law nr. 82 of 5 April 2006 accepting the amendments to Articles 25 and 26 of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, done at Helsinki on 17 March 1992, which were adopted in Madrid on 28 November 2003 by Decision III/1 at the 3rd Meeting of the Parties to the Convention. About the Convention, more information on:
- Protocol on Water and Health, adopted in London on 17 June 1999, to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki 1992) – Law nr. 228/30.11.2000 for the approval of GO no. 95/2000 for the ratification of the Protocol on Water and Health, adopted in London on 17 June 1999, to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Tansfrontier Watercourses and International Lakes, adopted in Helsinki on 17 March 1992 – M.Of. No. 629/05.12.2000
- About the Protocol, more information on:
- Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River (Convention for the Protection of the Danube River), signed in Sofia on 29 June 1994 – Law nr. 14/24.02.1995
- Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution, signed in Bucharest on April 21, 1992 – Law nr. 98/ 16.09.1992;
- Annual activity report
- Project press releases
- Financing contracts
- Delegation contracts
- Partnership agreement;
- Concept notes;
- ETC opinions
- Technical expertise
- Specifications
- Technical reports for the approval of operating regulations for hydrotechnical objectives regardless of the holder;
- Technical reports for approving the extension of the validity of operating regulations for hydrotechnical objectives regardless of the holder;
- Technical reports for the approval of the basin exploitation regulations;
- Monthly exploitation programs of the main reservoirs;
- Proposal for winter program in the energy field (address and annex with stocks regarding the minimum volumes of water from November to March from the lakes included in the program, facilities from the administration of Hidroelectrica and ANAR) in order to approve the H.G. regarding the level of safety and security in the functioning of the National Energy System;
- Responses to requests formulated under Law no. 544/2001 on free access to information of public interest, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Annual activity report on the operation of hydrotechnical facilities;
- Working hours in cold weather for the period 1 November – 31 March;
- Annual activity report of the Bureau of Regulations and Coordinated Basin Exploitation;
- Report on the achievement of objectives and proposals for the next year;
- Internal correspondence (internal notes) and external correspondence (collaborations with the Water Basin Administrations and Hidroelectrica regarding the content of operating regulations for hydrotechnical objectives, transmission of monthly exploitation programs of reservoirs)
- Draft National Management Plan for the national portion of the international river basin of the Danube River – Synthesis of management plans at basin/river basin level and Draft management plans of river basins/areas (according to the requirements of art. 14 para. (1) (a) c) of the WFD, respectively Article 43 (17) of Water Law 107/1996, as subsequently amended and supplemented)
- National Management Plan for the national portion of the international river basin of the Danube River – Synthesis of management plans at river basin/area level and Management plans of river basins/areas (according to the requirements of art. 13 para. (6) of the WFD, respectively Art. 6 (3) of Water Law 107/1996, with subsequent amendments and completions), approved by H.G. 80/2011 and subsequent updates GD 859/2016
- Timeline and work programme for public participation activities to achieve the updated River Basin/Spatial Management Plan and the updated Flood Risk Management Plan
- List of reference documents for the implementation of European water directives
- Provisional synthesis of important water management issues in river basins/areas in Romania (according to the requirements of art. 14 para. (1) (a) b) of the WFD
- Important water management issues in river basins/areas in Romania (according to the requirements of art. 14 para. (1) (a) b) of the WFD) (P) (G) – national summary
- Decision on compliance with the context of the strategic environmental assessment for the updated National Management Plan (according to the provisions of art. 9 (1) (b) of Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programs on the environment (SEA Directive) and of art. 33 (1) (b) of GD no. 1076/2004 on establishing the procedure for carrying out the environmental assessment for plans and programs)
- Brochure for the public on the updated National Management Plan for the national portion of the international river basin of the Danube river basin — Summary of management plans at river basin/area level (P) (
- Information for the public on the situation in Romania of urban waste water and sludge from wastewater treatment plants (according to the requirements of Article 16 of UWWTD), respectively on the stage of implementation in Romania of the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC on urban waste water treatment – annual public information (P)
- (
- Report on the progress of urban wastewater treatment works and capacities in execution and commissioning for human agglomerations (National Report)
- State of implementation in Romania of the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC on urban waste water treatment – annual public information
- (
- Register of Protected Areas – Elaboration of the updated register of protected areas at national level in accordance with Article 6 of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC respectively Article 5^1 of Water Law 107/1996, with subsequent amendments and completions, taking into account the collection, processing and annual analysis of specific data and information, except for the coordinates of abstraction points
- Daily flows and levels recorded at major hydrometric stations
- Information on the evolution of water requirements and abstractions – source – Water Balance
- Summary of Water Quality in Romania
- Water management permit;
- Water management permit modifier;
- Water management permit;
- Modifying water management permit;
- Site permit;
- Crossing permit;
- Transfer of regulatory acts from one beneficiary to another;
- Declaration of the competent authority responsible for water management for projects financed by the ILO;
- List of water management permits issued by NGO “Romanian Waters” – Headquarters;
- List of water management authorizations issued by A.N. “Romanian Waters” – Headquarters;
- Annual activity report;
- Quarterly and annual report of regulatory acts issued and related receipts;
- Annual report of establishments subject to Directive 96/61/EEC on “integrated pollution prevention and control”;
- Reports and synthesis works related to water management, according to the approved activity program and according to the needs of the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- Elaboration and submission to M.M.A.P. of summaries, reports specific to the field, proposals for amending some normative acts;
- Risk Register (including Appendices) / SAAGA contribution;
- Employee requests/requests
- Employee certificate
- Individual employment contract
- Addendum to the individual employment contract regarding the modification, suspension and termination of the individual employment contract
- Organization chart
- Job description
- Organization of contests, promotion exams, announcement of contest results
- Correspondence (all ABA, INHGA, EC. Stânca-Costești, MMAP, petitions)
- Organization and functioning regulations
- Necessity report
- Internal rules
- Register of petitions
- Collective labor agreement
- State of functions (headquarters, subunits)
- State of personnel (headquarters, subunits)
- General register of employees
- Decision to set up an examination committee
- Decision to terminate the CIM
- Collective attendance sheet
- Contest results announcement
- Request for leave
- Departure note on annual leave
- Recall from leave
- Report on the implementation of the formal and non-formal professional training program
- Liquidation sheet
- External mailing addresses (to ABA, other institutions);
- Information addresses for complainants (reply/forward)
- Budget regardless of the source of funding;
- Budget implementation;
- Situation of salary rights;
- Invoices/payments
- Subscriptions
- Job description
- Mail forwarding
- Internal notes;
- Addresses to Basin Water Administrations and Service Providers
- Necessity report
- Specifications, communication services
National Laboratory
- External correspondence: Addresses, responses to requests for quotations to external customers, feedback from external customers.
- Documents associated with the public procurement procedures of products and services related to laboratory activity: orders made directly, based on a supply contract in force, requests for offers from suppliers, specifications, evaluation grids of technical specifications contained in the tender specifications for inclusion in the Evaluation Reports of procurement procedures, Minutes of receipt of products and services purchased by ANAR for specific testing activities within the laboratory.
- Internal correspondence: Analysis sheets of orders and requests received from departments of ANAR and ABA representing the internal client of the National Laboratory (Service for Qualitative Management and Protection of Water Resources – SGCPRA), Reports on the technical capability of the laboratory and fitness for purpose of the test methods performed within the National Laboratory, Analysis reports performed by the management and their annexes – confidentiality, according to the provisions of the documents of the Management System implemented by the National Laboratory in accordance with the requirements of the accreditation referential SR EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018;
- Management System Documents: General Laboratory Procedures (PGL), Specific Work Procedures (PSL), Laboratory Work Instructions (ILL) according to SR EN ISO/CEI 17025/2018 and SR EN ISO 9001/2015 – confidentiality, according to the provisions of the Management System documents implemented by the National Laboratory in accordance with the requirements of the accreditation referential SR EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018;
- Risk Register (including Annexes) / LN contribution;
- Annual activity report
- The impartiality and confidentiality policy of the management of the National Administration “Romanian Waters” regarding the activity of the Water Quality Laboratories (LCA) of the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- The annual internal audit program of the Water Quality Laboratories of the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- List of internal auditors accepted at the level of the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- Accreditation policy of the Water Quality Laboratories of the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- Declaration/Commitment regarding the Policy and Objectives of the Management System of Water Quality Laboratories subordinated to the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- Action plan regarding the activity of the Water Quality Laboratories of the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- Management System documents applicable to the Water Quality Laboratories of the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- ANAR – LCA relational diagram;
- Risk Register (including Annexes)/SACL contribution;
- Internal audit documents performed in accordance with SR EN ISO 17025:2018 and SR EN ISO 19011:2018 at LCA within the National Administration “Romanian Waters” (audit plan, audit questionnaire, direct test evaluation reports, audit reports);
- Reports on the results of the intercomparison exercises carried out in coordination with the National Administration “Romanian Waters”;
- Reports and tender documents for the acquisition of products and services necessary for carrying out the current activity;
- Grids for evaluating the technical specifications for the acquisition of products and services necessary for carrying out the current activity;
- Service activity reports;
- Addresses and internal notes for responding to various requests;
- Job descriptions of service personnel;
- Annual evaluation forms of service personnel;
- Collective sheets of monthly attendance of staff in the service.
- Summary documents on recorded hydrometeorological events:
- Reports on events/annual reports following recorded hydrometeorological events
- (ANAR interventions, centralization of operative reports, centralization of synthesis reports);
- Summary of damages recorded at hydrotechnical constructions in administration (calamity reports); Summary of hydrological warnings / warnings issued by INHGA;
- Reports on events / annual reports on accidental pollution on water courses (interventions with equipment / materials from the ANAR defense stock);
- Summary of recorded accidental pollution;
- Flood defence stock documents
- Map development:
- Maps regarding the location of events and interventions for removing / diminishing the effects of floods;
- Maps on the extent of flooding.
- Elaboration of maps on the occurrence of winter phenomena (snow, ice bridge, etc.).
- Elaboration of maps with sources/types of pollution.
- Transposition into GIS of flood bands and affected localities.
- Identification in advance of possible affected localities by overlapping flood bands in GIS.
- Updating shapefiles of critical points and accidents/incidents at dams.
- Centralization of the measures ordered during the annual action to verify the technical and functional condition of the hydrotechnical constructions with a role of flood defense, on the inland rivers and on the Danube, the stage of implementation of the measures ordered;
- Report on the state of the national water management system (meteorological situation / hydrological situation / effects and measures centralization of damages / measures (Operative reports on the effects of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena) / water quality / water supply)
- Lakes Report (ANAR and third parties)
- Report – Precipitation Map (national level)
- Situation of varnishes with volume differences (weekly)
- Hydro measurements report (special events period)
- Cumulative precipitation ratio (special events period)
- Hydrographs (special events period)
- Issuance of C.T.E. approvals;
- Issuance of approval decisions for technical and economic indicators;
- Presentation notes related to the technical and economic documentation;
- Endorsement documents;
- Substantiation notes for Emergency Ordinance or Government Decision;
- Draft Government Ordinance or Decision;
- Solving petitions according to law 544/2001;
- Substantiation Note on the necessity and opportunity of promoting new projects;
- Proposals for program lists for investment objectives financed from own sources, state budget, reimbursable and non-reimbursable funds;
- Prioritization of the project portfolio;
- Statement of achievements and monthly settlements for investment objectives;
- Statement of quarterly breakdown of budget appropriations and commitment appropriations;
- Statement of final achievements at the end of the year;
- Summaries, analyses, budget implementation, proposals for changes to programme lists;
- Substantiation Notes to support requests for supplementing budget appropriations and commitment to budget amendments;
- Annual report on investment implementation activity;
- Reimbursement requests for reimbursable and non-reimbursable external funds;
- Delegation contracts for implementing NEF projects;
- Partnership agreements;
- Monitoring Sheets and Progress Reports;
- Net investment situation by sources of financing and structural elements (INV Statistic);
- External correspondence.