Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control
Project “Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control“, a project implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests, financed by the Romanian Government from a loan granted by the World Bank and a non-reimbursable financial aid granted by the Global Environment Facility, has as global environmental objective the long-term reduction of nutrient discharges into the waters flowing into the Danube and the Black Sea, through an integrated soil and water management. An important component of this project provides support to NGO “Romanian Waters” in order to strengthen the necessary capacity to meet the monitoring and reporting requirements regarding the implementation of the “Nitrates” Directive.
More information:
NEW! Selection of an IT Expert Individual Consultant
The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests runs the project “Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control” – Additional Financing, project financed by the World Bank and intends to use part of these funds for the Selection of an IT Expert Individual Consultant who will: (a) Develop Terms of Reference with full technical and functional specifications for a reporting software application with supporting databases; (b) Assist the Client in selecting and contracting the Consultant who will develop the reporting software application; and (c) Supervise the performance of the contract with the Consultant who will carry out the development of the reporting software application
Note: During this time, when we are all experiencing different difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, please be assured that we remain at your disposal via phone contacts and/or emails. We will continue to inform you punctually about the measures taken, so that we can carry out our joint activities in the best possible conditions. Thank you for your trust and for your efforts to ensure the continuity of our collaboration by submitting documents only in electronic format. In this way, we will achieve our goals while protecting the health of everyone involved.
The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is 10 August 2021.
Download documents:
ToRs_Anexa 3, Table 1
ToRs_Anexa 3, Table 2