List of issued water management regulatory acts
The National Administration «Romanian Waters» is a public institution of national interest, with legal personality, having as purpose the knowledge, protection, valorization and sustainable use of water resources, natural monopoly of strategic interest, as well as the management of the infrastructure of the National Water Management System (GEO no. 107/2002 regarding the establishment of the National Administration "Romanian Waters" with subsequent amendments and completions).
A.N." Romanian Waters" is subordinated to 11 units with legal personality, organized on 11 basins/hydrographic spaces.
Among the main duties of the A.N." Romanian Waters" also includes the regulation from the point of view of water management of works built on or in connection with waters, as defined in art.48 and art.54 of the Water Law no.107/1996 with subsequent amendments and completions, regardless of the holder and under the law.
The main lever in the management of water resources is represented by the water management approval and authorization, technical-legal acts that involve the responsibility of the water resource manager both for the allocation of the water resource and for the reception of wastewater in natural emissaries.
Thus, in order to achieve effective and integrated protection of water resources and to achieve environmental objectives for and non-deterioration of surface water bodies and groundwater, A.N.' Romanian Waters", at the request of the water user, issues regulatory acts, as follows:
– water management permit that is obtained at the design phase feasibility study, before starting the works proposed by the project;
– management permit for the operation or operation of works on or in connection with water, which is obtained after completion of their execution.
The regulatory activity is mainly carried out in accordance with the following normative acts:
- Water Law no. 107/1996, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- MAP Order no. 828/2019 approving the Procedure and powers for issuing, amending, withdrawing the water management permit, including the procedure for assessing the impact on water bodies, approving the Normative content of the technical documentation subject to approval, as well as the Framework Content of the Impact Assessment Study on Water Bodies;
- MAP Order no. 891/2019 approving the Procedure and powers for issuing, amending, withdrawing and temporarily suspending water management authorizations, as well as the Normative content of technical documentation subject to authorization.
In order to initiate the procedure for issuing the water management permit, it is necessary for the project owner to submit to the competent water management authority the following documents:
- application whose model is provided in Annex 1.b to MAP Order no. 828/2019;
- the decision of the initial assessment stage issued by the competent authority for environmental protection according to Annex no. 5. D to Law nr. 292/2018, in copy;
- urbanism certificate, in copy;
- documents attesting to the ownership of land belonging to the public domain of the state under the administration of A.N." Romanian Waters" occupied by the works proposed by the project;
- the technical documentation substantiating the water management approval, drawn up by public or private institutions certified by the central public authority in the field of water according to the provisions of Annex no.2 to MAP Order no. 828/2019.
In order to carry out the procedure for issuing the water management permit, it is necessary for the water user to submit to the competent water management authority the following documents:
- application whose model is provided in Annex 1.a to MAP Order no. 891/2019;
- the technical documentation substantiating the water management authorization, drawn up by public or private institutions certified by the central public authority in the field of water according to the provisions of Annex no.2 to MAP Order no. 891/2019.
Regulatory acts in the field of water management are issued according to the competences established by specific legislation (MAP Order no. 828/2019 and MAP Order no. 891/2019), by the National Administration "Romanian Waters", Basin Water Administrations or by Water Management Systems, based on the request of project owners or water users accompanied by all documents specified in the legislation.