The project Strengthening Cooperation between River Basin Management Planning and Flood Risk Prevention to Enhance the Status of Waters of the Tisza River Basin, with the acronym JOINTISZA, provides the transnational cooperation framework for 2017-2019 in the largest sub-basin of the basin Danube River.
The JOINTISZA project is funded by the Interreg V-B Programme of the European Union, component Danube Transnational Programme (DTP 2014-2020), priority axis 2 (Responsibility for Environment and culture in the Danube Region), component 2.1 (Strengthening transnational water management and flood risk prevention).
The total value of the JOINTISZA project is EUR 2 254 127, of which EUR 446 thousand belong to Romanian partners.
The project, lasting 30 months (January 2017 – June 2019), is developed and implemented by 17 partners from five states – Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine – which have areas located in the river basin of the Tisza River.
The aim of the project is to improve the status of waters in the basin by strengthening transnational cooperation and improving interaction between stakeholders (as stakeholders) and authorities managing and monitoring the same river basin in cooperation. At the same time, solutions will be identified within the project for common challenges in the entire basin (overexploitation, water regime modification, water contamination, intensification of floods amid the amplification of climate change effects).
The three partners participating in the project on behalf of Romania are:
- Ministry of Waters and Forests
- National Administration “Romanian Waters”
- National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management.
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