Sipoca 608

Project name: “Improving the capacity of the central public authority in the field of marine environment protection in terms of monitoring, evaluation, planning, implementation and reporting of the requirements set out in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and for integrated coastal zone management”, MySMIS code 127598/ SIPOCA 608.

Project duration: 49 months from signing the contract with AM POCA (October 2019 – November 2023)
Name of beneficiary and partners:
  • Partner I: National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”

Total value of the project = 18.000.000 lei

Value of the project belonging to the National Administration “Romanian Waters”: 2,598,873.41 lei

Value of co-financing for the National Administration “Romanian Waters” (2%): 51,977.47 lei

The main objectives of the project:

The contribution of the National Administration “Romanian Waters” (ANAR) in implementing the project-specific objectives at the level of the coastal area is carried out together with the experts of the Dobrogea-Seaside Water Basin Administration (ABA-DL), taking into account the achievement of the environmental objectives set out in the Water Framework Directive for coastal and transient waters as well as marine waters in accordance with the requirements of the Marine Environment Strategy Framework Directive.

All specific objectives of the project are of interest to partners, and at coastal level, ANAR and ABA-DL mainly aim to achieve good status of coastal and marine waters, completing activities whose results were included in the updated PNM, approved by GD 392/2023 and which will lead to the improvement of integrated coastal zone management.

The project contributes to substantiating and supporting measures aimed at strengthening the institutional framework, optimizing processes and preparing the human resources necessary to fulfill the obligations assumed under the acquis communautaire, namely compliance with the requirements of Directive 2008/56/EC establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) in order to strengthen the capacity of authorities and institutions public water management and protection of the marine environment.

The project aims to fill the gaps in the implementation of DCSMM requirements in relation to the technical, institutional and organizational possibilities developed along the way.

The specific objectives of the project envisage:

  • Identifying the best solutions/proposals in order to maintain the balance between economic development and environmental protection and the need for a unitary approach to these aspects;
  • Identification of problems arising from the use of the coastal zone for the main economic activities, the regime of restrictions and prohibitions, the main measures to ensure the integrated management of the coastal zone, economic and financial mechanisms, tasks and responsibilities of the competent authorities;
  • Increasing coherence, efficiency, predictability and transparency of decision-making in public administration by:
    • establishing the institutional framework for improving the implementation of policies and implementation of the Government’s priorities;
    • development and regular monitoring of the mechanism for coordinating the implementation of strategic documents;
    • improving the regulatory impact assessment process, the public consultation process, while systematizing and simplifying legislation.

Final results of the project:

  • Elaboration of a programme of measures to achieve the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Environment Strategy Framework Directive, respectively achieving good environmental status of transitional and coastal waters as well as Black Sea waters;
  • Elaboration of the National Strategy on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, including the Integrated Coastal Management Plan and the Action Plan;
  • Elaboration of a draft Government Decision establishing the integrated coastal monitoring program.
  • Elaboration of a draft law amending and supplementing GEO 202/2002 on integrated coastal zone management.

The results of the project will be useful both at the level of local public authorities responsible for integrated coastal zone management and at the level of central authorities with responsibilities related to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

All this will add value, both in terms of regulatory aspects but also in terms of achieving good status of coastal waters and marine environment.

  1. Benefits-implementation-project-SIPOCA608
  2. Information-ANAR-Activities-Project-SIPOCA608
  3. Press release-Project-SIPOCA-608
  4. SIPOCA_608