Protection and rehabilitation of the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea coast in the area of Constanta municipality

Protection and rehabilitation of the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea coast in the area of Constanta municipality
(Mamaia South, Tomis North, Tomis Center and Tomis South) and Eforie Nord
Lot: Eforie Nord, Eforie

Through this project, the sanding works between Constanta and Mamaia and Eforie Nord were completed. More specifically, it is about 5 beach sectors with a cumulative length of approximately 7.3 km and an extended width to over 100 meters and are accessible to all tourists since 2016. At the same time, through the same project, the surface of the 5 beach sectors (Mamaia South, Tomis North, Tomis Center, Tomis South and Eforie Nord) was increased by 60.66 ha.
