Acceptance of conditions is the official domain of the Romanian Waters National Administration, created to ensure greater transparency and a better understanding of the activities of the Romanian Waters National Administration.

Use of website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth below.

The terms and conditions may be modified at any time by the site administrator, hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator”, without prior notice to the persons who use it, hereinafter referred to as “Users”.

Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions for using the services in order to be able to consult them at any time.

By accessing and browsing this site, Users implicitly accept the terms of use described below.

If they do not agree with the terms and conditions imposed, Users must stop accessing this service.

Description of services

Through its sections, the site provides Users with information, normative acts, decisions, decisions, regulations and news regarding the central authority in the field of water management in Romania.

Within the domain, an electronic service is a resource offered through the Internet in order to improve the communication process between citizens and the Romanian Waters National Administration.

There are two types of electronic services offered by the domain:

  • information services, which provide citizens, press or other stakeholders with easy and efficient access to information, facilitating the consultation of documents issued by the Romanian Waters National Administration;


The Romanian Waters National Administration maintains this area to facilitate public access to information on its activities. The administrator makes every effort to ensure that this information is accurate and timely. When reporting any errors, the Administrator will try to correct them as soon as possible.

Information provided:

  1. is exclusively of a general nature;
  2. it is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date;
  3. may contain web links to other sites for the content of which the Romanian Waters National Administration has no control and for which it assumes no responsibility.

The administrator assumes no liability if certain information is provided late, lost, deleted or cannot be stored on our servers for any reason.

Also, it assumes no responsibility for the consequences that may arise due to the delay, loss or inaccuracy of the information published or existing on the site.

Users will use the information provided on the site at their own risk, and in case of damage generated by the use of the services or information provided, Users accept that the Administrator will be absolved of any liability.

The notion of non-liability does not affect the obligation of the Romanian Waters National Administration to comply with the legislation in force and cannot exclude the obligations of the Romanian Waters National Administration imposed by law.

General rules

The site administrator declares the following:

  1. will make all reasonable efforts to achieve the purpose of the site;
  2. will make every effort (technically or otherwise) for the proper functioning of the site; however, there may be interruptions in operation, or inability to access by Users, for an indefinite period of time, for any reason;
  3. as new situations of any nature require it, the Administrator may modify the conditions and terms of use.