
The public consultation process for the complex arrangement of beaches in Mamaia resort begins!

In order for the National Administration “Romanian Waters” to organize, in partnership with the Romanian Order of Architects, an international contest of solutions for the future development of the beaches in Mamaia, both Constanta residents and tourists are invited to participate until 10 June 2022 when completing the following questionnaires, which are part of an extensive public consultation process with citizens. In this process, in addition to the current approach, round tables with local actors will also take place, meant to align the directions of the design theme with the needs of future users.

The National Administration “Romanian Waters” emphasizes on this occasion that the stage of public consultations is an essential step in defining the needs of the future project. Stimulating public debate in this way from the first phase of project development refines the identification of future users’ needs and increases the chances that the chosen solution will respond creatively and realistically to the needs of the community.

As a first step in the public consultation process mentioned above, both Constanta residents and tourists are invited to participate in filling in a dedicated electronic questionnaire. These questionnaires aim to answer general questions about how this large new project could serve both residents and seasonal users before going into the technical details of its design. The questionnaires’ questions aim to outline the profile of the future arrangement of beaches in Mamaia, from the facilities they should have (relaxation areas, spaces for children, vegetation areas, spaces for water activities, public catering units, etc.) to the importance that the beach has in the lives of locals and tourists.

Because they are based exclusively on the quality of the proposed solutions, the contests have high value results for users, increasing the overall quality of the public space and the built fund. Awarding public contracts through a contest of solutions is the safest way to initiate and carry out large infrastructure and public space planning projects.

The questionnaire dedicated to LOCALS can be completed online at the link:

The questionnaire dedicated to TOURISTS can be completed online at the link:

Details about the future arrangement of Mamaia Seaside and about the next stages of the project can be found here: